
What I'm doing now

We just got back from a trip to Germany for a birthday and a long-delayed wedding, coming back via London and New York to visit some of my colleagues.
Settled into our new San Francisco apartment nicely, and finding a good routine of work, hobbies, and friends.
Just played my first game of Twilight Imperium 4 a week ago (I was the Hacan), and almost won – it came down to the final space battle against Sol 🛸

Last updated 21 June 2022.

Daniel Thomason inspecting a strawberry wearing a white glove in front of a strawberry field

What is this page?

It's inspired by Derek Silvers' idea that he explains here.
Basically this is my replacement for Facebook status updates – if you want to know what I am up to, this is the place to check. I'll try to keep it relatively current.
If I fall off the pace and you are wondering what's going on, I'd appreciate the commitment device of you reaching out to me on Twitter!

Daniel with a mango smoothie